Catfish Billabong is a 65-hectare wetland. It’s situated within the Merbein Common Flagship Waterway Site and is identified by the Mallee Waterway Management Strategy (MWMS) as a priority for management particularly for the high environmental, social, and cultural heritage values it supports.
When river flow peaks are available in winter and spring, it will be possible to retain water in the Billabong and therefore, provide reliable seasonal flooding. This process replicates a more natural state giving local flora and fauna opportunities to benefit. The Billabong supports 29 fauna and 12 flora species which are listed under international agreements.
Additionally, the works will also increase opportunities for the wider community to engage in recreational activities such as fishing, canoeing, camping, bird watching, and hiking. The Billabong provides an important refuge for bird and fish species and supports important cultural values, creating opportunities for Traditional Owners to share their cultural knowledge with the Aboriginal community.