Community Information

Introducing Ertech

Ertech is an Australian and employee-owned civil and electrical construction business delivering services to the private sector and local, state and federal governments across Australia. We take pride in the work that we produce and the long-standing relationships we build – from humble beginnings back in 1981.

In forty years (and counting!) Ertech has evolved to provide a diversified service offering. We’ve grown from within while investing in new and emerging businesses, as well as acquiring established operations – together, this has driven the sustainable expansion of the business.

We have substantial experience across Australia, from bustling urban environments to local towns to remote locations. We appreciate that each location and project is different, and we make it our priority to understand the needs of clients and the community to ensure we deliver on expectations.

Ertech works in several sectors, including transport, mining, oil and gas, water, defence, waste and environment, power, aviation and community infrastructure.

We’re known for our knowledge-led solutions, diverse capability, collaborative approach and our ability to build strong commitment connections.

Working in Communities

Ertech seeks to leave a positive legacy in the communities in which we operate, enhancing social and economic amenities through the assets we build and the people and businesses we develop.

Successful community engagement is built on being open, transparent and respectful – that’s how we build trust for the long term. That’s how we do business with all our stakeholders.

We are committed to meeting our contractual obligations to make specific information publicly accessible to the community stakeholders related to these projects.  This information is presented on this page.

Coxs River Road

Community Information

Project Overview

The Coxs River Road (CRR) project forms part of the $2.5 billion upgrade towards the East and West sections of the Great Western Highway (GWH) in NSW. The CRR intersection is at the western foot of the Blue Mountains and is the gateway for thousands of vehicles daily that make their way over the mountains towards Sydney or the Central West.

Ertech has been engaged by Transport for NSW to upgrade the Great Western Highway (GWH) between Little Hartley and Lithgow to a safer, four-lane divided carriageway.  The main elements of the project include a 2.4km duplication of GWH,  an interchange, road realignments,  a two-span bridge over the highway, shared paths, and related road infrastructure.

Important Project Information

Project Information – For the latest project information, go to Little Hartley to Lithgow – Great Western Highway Upgrade Program | Transport for NSW.

Environmental Protection License (EPL) – During construction, Ertech will hold the EPL for the project.  Click here for the license summary.

24-hour contact for EPL

Documents, Notifications and Data

Out-of-Hour Approvals (OOH)


  • TBA

Monitoring Data

Community Agreements

  • Nil current.

Heathcote Road Upgrade

Community Information

Project Overview

Heathcote Road is a major arterial road that runs between Liverpool and Heathcote, connecting Sydney’s southern suburbs to the motorway network in the southwest, including the M5 and M7 motorways. It is also a key link for commuters who drive, walk or cycle to Holsworthy Train Station and the Holsworthy Army Barracks.

The existing road between Infantry Parade and The Avenue is generally a two-lane road and contains three bridges across Williams Creek, the T8 Airport railway line and Harris Creek. Congestion is often experienced along these sections of the road, particularly near the Macarthur Drive roundabout.

Ertech is upgrading the 2.2-kilometre section of Heathcote Road between Infantry Parade, Holsworthy and The Avenue, Voyager Point.

Important Project Information

For the latest information on this project, please go to Heathcote Road Upgrade – Project Update.

During the construction of this project, Ertech will hold the Environmental Protection License.

Documents, Notifications and Data

Monitoring Data

Our purpose is to develop capability, build infrastructure and enhance people’s lives through the work we deliver.

Engineering confidence, every day.

Working with Us

Our company policies, business management systems, and core values form the strategic framework for guiding sustainable business practices at Ertech.

Ertech undertakes all business in accordance with a business Code of Conduct (“Our Code”). This guides business conduct for all employees and those who work for the business, ensuring that our governance and ethical standards are adhered to, and deals with issues such as Modern Slavery and ethical management of our supply chain partners.

Systems and Certifications

Ertech’s well-established Business Management Systems (BMS) provide a robust framework that empowers our people to provide clients with safely constructed infrastructure of the highest standard while minimising impact on the environment.

Our BMS is founded on decades of experience across multiple industries, combined with best practices to ensure we effectively manage all aspects of our projects and our business.

The system is guided by Ertech’s strategy and underpinned by its core values – this is the Ertech Way. It is our commitment to ensuring our people, health, safety, environment and quality management are embedded in our culture.  It supports continuous improvement strategies and initiatives for sustainable operations.

Good business practice ensures we continue to deliver certainty to our clients through proper planning, risk and opportunity management, and workplace verification at all project stages.

Ertech’s Business Management Systems are third-party certified as follows:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems
  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems
  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
  • ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management System
  • OFSC WH&S Accreditation Scheme